Uc3nomics is the blog of the Economics Department at Carlos III University. Posts are written by its members based on their most recent research.
Our aim is to share our research broadly, targeting diverse yet informed audiences including academics, policy makers, industry experts, students and in general anyone interested in research-based analyses of issues that are relevant for economics and social sciences more broadly.
Copyright and Usage
Unless otherwise indicated, all rights to articles are reserved by their respective authors and the Economics Department. For permission to reprint or translate uc3nomics articles, please send an email to
Uc3nomics is one of the Economics Department’s initiatives supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain), through projects H2019/HUM-5859-MIMA-CM and H2019/HUM-5891-MAD-ECON-POL-CM, and the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M11) and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation). The Economics Department also receives regular support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.