
2024-09-01Are they a trampoline or a trap for low-skilled workers? [...] Read more...
2024-07-01In a period of global warming, it is hard to imagine a new glaciation period, even in the long run. In a period of global [...] Read more...
2024-06-01Is furlough a win-win policy to fight job losses in recessions? Is furlough a win-win policy to fight job losses in recessions? Author Juanjo Dolado [...] Read more...
2023-11-23How does the ownership structure in electricity markets affect their ability to deliver competitive electricity prices? How does the ownership structure in electricity markets affect [...] Read more...
2023-11-23The role of firms after migrants arrive is more important than previously thought Author Lukas Delgado-Prieto View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-10-26Firms not only produce and collude…. They kill each other… Author Luis Corchón View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-09-25While the media regularly describes Pentecostalism as a driving force in the rise of the far-right, we lack reliable estimates of its causal effects on [...] Read more...
2023-06-16How does a sudden and significant structural shift impact workers’ employment opportunities? Author Henry Redondo View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-06-15Breaking the Cycle: Unraveling Intergenerational Teen Childbearing in Latin America Author Ricardo Mora View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-05-15What is the impact of recessions on workers’ careers across age, education, and cohort groups? Author Andres Erosa View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-05-15Do your peers influence your involvement in political activism? If so, who has the biggest impact, those who share your views or those who oppose [...] Read more...
2023-04-17Does it pay to invest in the energy efficiency of buildings? How can we make these investments more cost-effective? Author Mateus Souza View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-04-17Are renewable and storage support schemes necessary to decarbonize the power sector? If so, how should they be designed? Author David Andrés-Cerezo View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-03-17What are the macroeconomic effects of reducing the central bank balance sheet size? Author Florencia S. Airaudo View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-03-17How do interest groups walk their way through electoral politics? Author Álvaro Delgado Vega View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-02-14Can pluralistic democracies raise to the challenge of a volatile and uncertain world, or are they doomed to gridlock and inaction? Author Antoine Loeper View [...] Read more...
2023-02-09Physicians disproportionately suffer from substance use disorder. Is this phenomenon causal? Author Daniel Rees View all posts [...] Read more...
2023-01-16What are the causes and consequences of unequal education, and what are the likely repercussions of the global pandemic on educational inequality? Author Jan Stuhler [...] Read more...
2023-01-16Refugees fleeing conflict justify the need for coordination at a supranational level Author Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-12-13Is the influence of humanity on the Earth’s climate worse than previously expected? Author Álvaro Escribano View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-12-12Who cares about climate change, how much, and how do they relate to each other? Author Antonio Cabrales View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-11-10Are daughters of working mothers more likely to work? Was this also the case before the increase in female labor force participation? Author Matilde P [...] Read more...
2022-11-02Estimating the effect of milk inspections on urban mortality, 1880-1910 Author Daniel Rees View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-10-03How do family interactions shape housing, caregiving and bequest decisions? Author Matthias Kredler View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-10-03Does more precise information lead to better decisions? Does it matter whether that information is verifiable? Author Johannes Schneider View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-09-08How do Central Bank Asset Purchases work in theory and how do they affect fiscal policy and inflation? Author Carlo Galli View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-09-05Do sentiment shocks have significant aggregate effects on the economy? Author Evi Pappa View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-06-07Why do countries with a worse rule of law experience greater volatility and inequality? Author Martin Dumav & William Fuchs View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-06-07Is public funding enough to level the political playing field? Author Bruno Pessoa View all posts [...] Read more...
2022-05-09Should public authorities regulate firms’ entry into markets or should this be left to the élan of private agents? Author Luis Corchón View all posts [...] Read more...